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Devon Partnership NHS Trust Deploys ReStart’s IMX Archive Solution in 90 days to Support Seamless EPR Migration

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The goal of Devon Partnership NHS Trust (DPT) was to find a data archive solution for the migration to the TPP’s SystmOne EPR. The solution needed to be deployed within 90 days, required a vast amount of data to be accessed via their new EPR and set out in a logical way for their clinicians to ensure a seamless transition from one system to another, from day one.

DPT took a rapid approach to deployment of the new EPR, DPT’s strategy was not to complete a protracted data migration exercise, that can cause serious delays in EPR deployments and instead provide the historic data to users via an archived view.

DPT selected to migrate to TPP’s SystmOne as it offered them more flexibility to share data with other local organisations within the Devon’s Integrated Care System, this supports them in keeping up to date with the Department of Health and Social Care’s data strategy to ‘drive innovation and improve efficiency by ensuring data can be shared between care settings.’ Alongside the One Devon Vision: ‘equal chances for everyone in Devon to lead long, happy and healthy lives’.

The rapid approach to deployment that DPT decided to take meant that rather than spending months and months process mapping and building and localising systems from day one, they identified what the minimum clinically safe solution was that they could go live with, allowing for them to expand over time. DPT set about finding a reliable partner who could offer a data archive solution to ensure the successful transition to SystmOne by the scheduled go live date, without incurring the time to migrate into the new solution but providing friction free access to historic data.

The Challenges

With EPR data migrations taking months or even years, depending on the complexity and breadth of data and differences in EPR formats, this approach was not desirable for DPT. Further, when migrating large amounts of data into a new system, the data formats do not always map cleanly which can cause additional challenges and delays when trying to maintain provenance and meaning of the data as originally recorded. Using the ‘Land and Expand’ strategy DPT sought to find a partner who could guarantee success within the timeframe needed.

As commented by Rafael Sorribas, Chief Information Officer, Devon Partnership Trust:

“We needed a solution and a partner who could work rapidly with us to avoid the risks of data migration and dramatically reduce our implementation time.”

When DPT approached ReStart, they had already worked closely together on previous projects, as had Apira, DPTs implementation partner. ReStart were confident they could meet the deadline, as well as satisfy DPT’s customisation requirements to ensure a seamless transition, using ReStart’s IMX Archive solution.

David Thompson, Managing Consultant, Apira comments:

“DPT wanted to approach data migration in a different way, rather than spending months and months migrating historic data into their new EPR solution, the decision was made to engage with Restart and use their bespoke archive solution. Using Restart’s solution, as opposed to a traditional EPR data migration approach, saved time, money and resources.  It allowed the Trust to successfully deliver their EPR in record time.

It’s a completely different approach to how traditional data migration is usually carried out, and any Trust about to set out on their own data migration journey should consider alternatives. The “We’ve always done it this way” may not be the most efficient or cost effective approach.

Apira worked as the Trust’s deployment partners, and it was a pleasure working with Restart on this particular aspect of the project.”

The Solution – IMX Archive

IMX Archive is a solution developed by ReStart which offers organisations a great amount of flexibility and control by being able to design and build entire screens to specification, so the data is presented in the best way for clinicians. IMX Archive enabled DPT to access ‘in context’ patient data, which is held in their database, in a format that is easy to read, secure, and easy to access via their new EPR system.

With only 90 days until go live DPT and ReStart commenced the huge challenge of building and customising the solution around the Trust’s requirements. The challenge was intensified by the complexity of the structured data and many user defined forms, there were also a vast number of forms that needed to be built to offer DPT’s clinicians a system which was easy to use, logical and familiar.

Teresa MacLennan, Head of Data and Analytics, DPT comments:

“ReStart has been fantastic from the very beginning of our ambitious project. They worked closely with DPT’s clinical and digital teams to ensure the IMX Archive was functioning as we wanted and in the way we knew it would work best for our teams. The project management and technical teams were really supportive and worked closely with us throughout the project.” 

Due to the complexities and overall work that needed to be done in a short amount of time, ReStart’s IMX team worked to a meticulous project plan, with twice weekly meetings, setting out clear milestones and reviewing tasks and identifying remedial action when needed. Once the solution had been customised and built to the Trust’s requirements, ReStart and DPT’s digital team began testing in collaboration with DPT’s clinical teams to make sure all the creases were ironed out.

David Anderson, Project Manager, ReStart said:

“We are thrilled to have been chosen by Devon Partnership NHS Trust to deliver a data archive solution for the migration to TPP’s SystmOne EPR. The required IMX Archive delivery timescale of 2.5 months between contract finalisation and go-live was challenging, but the ReStart Team successfully met all agreed milestones and deliverables. This was made possible by the practical and collaborative approach adopted by the DPT project team. It has been a pleasure working with Teresa and the team.

We now look forward to the next phase of the project, which will deliver a fully integrated IMX Archive solution for Children and Family Health Devon.”

The Results

The success of this implementation has resulted in a phenomenal achievement. Everyone involved worked hard, making sure the test stages were a collaborative process between both digital and clinical teams, to make sure the deadline was achieved, and that the solution exceeded clinicians’ expectations – with the project only taking 90 days from contract signing at the end of August to go live on the 1st November.

From go live, DPT’s clinical teams had access to their legacy data in IMX Archive, which was accessed via an ‘in context’ link within the new SystmOne EPR. There have been very minimal change requests and the feedback from clinicians has been very positive, with some clinicians commenting that the way the data is presented in IMX Archive is even better than the system they had been using previously.

Rafael Sorribas, Chief Information Officer, Devon Partnership Trust concludes:

“Restart delivered on time, to budget and provided exactly what our busy frontline staff needed: an easily navigable archive, integrated with in-context launch from SystmOne providing single-click access straight into the patient’s archived records. Simply outstanding.”

With ReStart’s IMX Archive solution in place, DPT can now look forward to phase two in which the solution will be rolled out to Children and Family Health Devon in the New Year will support joined up care across the region.

More information

To learn more about ReStart’s IMX Archive solution please click here, alternatively please get in touch and one of our team will be happy to show you more.