Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast!


IMX, ReStart’s Interoperability platform, hosts ReStart’s IMX modules. These modules are designed to be flexible and are developed to support any organisation’s requirements.

IMX not only integrates seamlessly with other technology solutions to minimise integration complexities and facilitate future scalability requirements, but is also fully customisable to meet the specific needs of each Health and Care setting.  IMX is a software solution that is open and interoperable, allowing seamless integration with third-party systems, devices and existing ICT infrastructures.


Explore OUR imx Solutions

IMX Interoperability Matrix

IMX Clinical Record combines data from a number of sources and presents it in a user-friendly single-sign on interface. Accessing clinical data from multiple systems using a single interface is easy with IMX Clinical Record.


IMX MH Outcomes is an advanced online platform designed for the collection, management, and in-depth analysis of patient-reported outcome measures in Mental Health Services.


IMX Archive allows easy access to legacy patient data from your chosen Trust system. Improve your access to patient data, that is easy to read, secure and up to date.


Together we can solve your interoperability challenges


Reimagine how your organisation operates.  Embrace new ideas and innovations, to achieve better solutions. We aim to empower our clients by sharing our interoperability expertise and guiding them with cohesive and actionable approaches.


We ensure the provision of highly effective interoperability and integration support and expertise, considering aspects such as security, testing, development, futureproofing, and cost optimisation.


Let us help you make the technology work for you exactly how you want it. Using our successful tried and tested approach we will guide you to manage digital change and transformation.


We are multi-disciplined, highly certified healthcare integration experts, fluent in international health standards. We seamlessly navigate around any integration engine to make sure you can achieve your goals.


We excel in delivering exceptional support and expert guidance. With two decades of supporting NHS trusts, we understand healthcare and the technology, so no challenge is too big.

Watch our video to see how IMX works

within health and care settings.

How can we help you?